Organization Directory
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Bart Richmond for Sheriff
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 10/01/24 - How much did Jefferson County-based Dickey for Iowa spend in Q3 2024 to have highest expenses in the quarter?
Broeker for Supervisor Committee
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 03/31/23 - Iowa midterms sees Iha, PAC in Des Moines County spend the most during Q4 2022
Burlington Firefighters Association Fire 301, PAC
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 01/01/24 - Iowa midterms sees Iha, PAC in Des Moines County spend the most during Q4 2023
Chauncey Moulding for Jefferson County Attorney
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 03/31/23 - How much did Jefferson County-based Dickey for Iowa spend in Q4 2022 to have highest expenses in the quarter?
Citizens for Heaton
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 04/01/24 - Henry County Iowa Medical Political Action Committee spends the most among Iowa political committees during Q1
Citizens for Mindy Fitzgibbon
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 04/01/24 - Henry County Iowa Medical Political Action Committee spends the most among Iowa political committees during Q1